caretConversion Calculator

Convert ft3 to yd3

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TIP: If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the "Decimals".

caretConversion Definitions

What is a cubic foot (ft3)?

A cubic foot is a unit of volume in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. The symbol for cubic foot is ft3. There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard.

What is a cubic yard (yd3)?

A cubic yard is a unit of volume in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. The symbol for cubic yard is yd3. There are 0.03703704 cubic yards in a cubic foot.

caretConversion Formula

The formula to convert from ft3 to yd3 is:

yd3 = ft3 ÷ 27

caretConversion Example

Cubic Feet to Cubic Yard Conversion Example

Task: Convert 1,000 cubic feet to cubic yards (show work)

ft3 ÷ 27 = yd3

1,000 ft3 ÷ 27 = 37.03703704 yd3

1,000 ft3 is equal to 37.03703704 yd3

caretConversion Table

Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards Conversion Chart

cubic feet (ft3) cubic yards (yd3)
1 ft30.03703704 yd3
2 ft30.07407407 yd3
3 ft30.11111111 yd3
4 ft30.14814815 yd3
5 ft30.18518519 yd3
6 ft30.22222222 yd3
7 ft30.25925926 yd3
8 ft30.2962963 yd3
9 ft30.33333333 yd3
10 ft30.37037037 yd3
20 ft30.74074074 yd3
30 ft31.11111111 yd3
40 ft31.48148148 yd3
50 ft31.85185185 yd3
75 ft32.77777778 yd3
100 ft33.7037037 yd3
250 ft39.25925926 yd3
500 ft318.51851852 yd3
750 ft327.77777778 yd3
1,000 ft337.03703704 yd3
2,500 ft392.59259259 yd3
5,000 ft3185.18518519 yd3
7,500 ft3277.77777778 yd3
10,000 ft3370.37037037 yd3
25,000 ft3925.92592593 yd3
50,000 ft31,851.85185185 yd3
75,000 ft32,777.77777778 yd3
100,000 ft33,703.7037037 yd3
250,000 ft39,259.25925926 yd3

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