caretConversion Calculator

Convert yd3 to ft3

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TIP: If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the "Decimals".

caretConversion Definitions

What is a cubic yard (yd3)?

A cubic yard is a unit of volume in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. The symbol for cubic yard is yd3. There are 0.03703704 cubic yards in a cubic foot.

What is a cubic foot (ft3)?

A cubic foot is a unit of volume in both US Customary Units as well as the Imperial System. The symbol for cubic foot is ft3. There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard.

caretConversion Formula

The formula to convert from yd3 to ft3 is:

ft3 = yd3 x 27

caretConversion Example

Cubic Yard to Cubic Feet Conversion Example

Task: Convert 15 cubic yards to cubic feet (show work)

yd3 x 27 = ft3

15 yd3 x 27 = 405 ft3

15 yd3 is equal to 405 ft3

caretConversion Table

Cubic Yards to Cubic Feet Conversion Chart

cubic yards (yd3) cubic feet (ft3)
1 yd327 ft3
2 yd354 ft3
3 yd381 ft3
4 yd3108 ft3
5 yd3135 ft3
6 yd3162 ft3
7 yd3189 ft3
8 yd3216 ft3
9 yd3243 ft3
10 yd3270 ft3
20 yd3540 ft3
30 yd3810 ft3
40 yd31,080 ft3
50 yd31,350 ft3
75 yd32,025 ft3
100 yd32,700 ft3
250 yd36,750 ft3
500 yd313,500 ft3
750 yd320,250 ft3
1,000 yd327,000 ft3
2,500 yd367,500 ft3
5,000 yd3135,000 ft3
7,500 yd3202,500 ft3
10,000 yd3270,000 ft3
25,000 yd3675,000 ft3
50,000 yd31,350,000 ft3
75,000 yd32,025,000 ft3
100,000 yd32,700,000 ft3
250,000 yd36,750,000 ft3

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