caretGeometry Calculator

Calculate the perimeter of parallelogram

base (b)
side (a)
perimeter of parallelogram

caretGeometry Definitions

What is perimeter?

Perimeter is the distance around a two-dimensional shape.

What is a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a two-dimensional shape. It has four straight sides where the opposite sides are both equal in length and parallel to each other.

What is the base?

The base of the parallelogram is the length of the bottom of the parallelogram.

What is the side?

The side of the parallelogram is the length of the side of the parallelogram.

caretGeometry Formula

The formula to calculate the perimeter of a parallelogram is:

P = 2 x (b + a)


  • P = perimeter of parallelogram
  • b = base of parallelogram
  • a = side of parallelogram


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