caretConversion Calculator

Convert °C to K

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caretConversion Definitions

What is degrees Celsius (°C)?

Degrees Celsius is a unit of temperature in the Metric System. The symbol for degrees Celsius is °C. The freezing point is 0°C and the boiling point is 100°C.

What is kelvin (K)?

Kelvin is a unit of temperature in the Metric System. The symbol for kelvin is K. The freezing point is 273.15K and the boiling point is 373.15K.

caretConversion Formula

The formula to convert from Celsius to kelvin is:

kelvin = Celsius + 273.15

caretConversion Example

Celsius to kelvin Conversion Example

Task: Convert 21°C to kelvin (show work)

°C + 273.15 = K

21°C + 273.15 = 294.15K

21°C is equal to 294.15K

caretConversion Table

Celsius to kelvin Conversion Chart

Celsius (°C) kelvin (K)
-50 °C223.15 K
-45 °C228.15 K
-40 °C233.15 K
-35 °C238.15 K
-30 °C243.15 K
-25 °C248.15 K
-20 °C253.15 K
-15 °C258.15 K
-10 °C263.15 K
-5 °C268.15 K
0 °C273.15 K
5 °C278.15 K
10 °C283.15 K
15 °C288.15 K
20 °C293.15 K
25 °C298.15 K
30 °C303.15 K
35 °C308.15 K
40 °C313.15 K
45 °C318.15 K
50 °C323.15 K

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