caretConversion Calculator

Convert dm/h to km/h

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TIP: If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the "Decimals".

caretConversion Definitions

What is decimeters per hour (dm/h)?

Decimeters per hour is a unit of Speed or Velocity in the Metric System. It measures the number of decimeters traveled in an hour. The symbol for decimeters per hour is dm/h and the International spelling for this unit is decimetres per hour. There are 10,000 dm/h in km/h.

What is kilometers per hour (km/h)?

Kilometers per hour is a unit of Speed or Velocity in the Metric System. It measures the number of kilometers traveled in an hour. The symbol for kilometers per hour is km/h and the International spelling for this unit is kilometres per hour. There are 0.0001 km/h in dm/h.

caretConversion Formula

The formula to convert from dm/h to km/h is:

km/h = dm/h ÷ 10,000

caretConversion Example

Decimeters per hour to Kilometers per hour Conversion Example

Task: Convert 25,000 decimeters per hour to kilometers per hour (show work)

dm/h ÷ 10,000 = km/h

25,000 dm/h ÷ 10,000 = 2.5 km/h

25,000 dm/h is equal to 2.5 km/h

caretConversion Table

Decimeters per hour to Kilometers per hour Conversion Chart

decimeters per hour (dm/h) kilometers per hour (km/h)
1 dm/h0.0001 km/h
2 dm/h0.0002 km/h
3 dm/h0.0003 km/h
4 dm/h0.0004 km/h
5 dm/h0.0005 km/h
6 dm/h0.0006 km/h
7 dm/h0.0007 km/h
8 dm/h0.0008 km/h
9 dm/h0.0009 km/h
10 dm/h0.001 km/h
20 dm/h0.002 km/h
30 dm/h0.003 km/h
40 dm/h0.004 km/h
50 dm/h0.005 km/h
75 dm/h0.0075 km/h
100 dm/h0.01 km/h
250 dm/h0.025 km/h
500 dm/h0.05 km/h
750 dm/h0.075 km/h
1,000 dm/h0.1 km/h
2,500 dm/h0.25 km/h
5,000 dm/h0.5 km/h
7,500 dm/h0.75 km/h
10,000 dm/h1 km/h
25,000 dm/h2.5 km/h
50,000 dm/h5 km/h
75,000 dm/h7.5 km/h
100,000 dm/h10 km/h
250,000 dm/h25 km/h

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