caretConversion Calculator

Convert RGB to Hexadecimal

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caretConversion Definitions

What is an RGB color value (RGB)?

An RGB color value is used in HTML or CSS to define a color on a web page. The RGB color value is a mix of three color components. R is red, G is Green, and B is blue. Each of the color components (R, G, and B) is a value between 0 and 255 in decimal.

What is a Hexadecimal color value (Hex)?

A Hexadecimal color value is used in HTML or CSS to define a color on a web page. The Hexadecimal color value is formatted as #RRGGBB and is a mix of three color components. RR is red, GG is green, and BB is blue. Each of the color components (RR, GG, and BB) is a value between 00 and FF in hexadecimal.

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