caretConversion Calculator

Convert US tsp to US cups

US tsp
US cup
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TIP: If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the "Decimals".

caretConversion Definitions

What is a US teaspoon (US tsp)?

A US teaspoon is a unit of volume in US Customary Units. The symbol for US teaspoon is US tsp. There are 48 US teaspoons in a US cup.

What is a US cup (US cup)?

A US cup is a unit of volume in US Customary Units. The symbol for US cup is US cup, but most often you will just see it referred to as cup. There are 0.02083333 US cups in a US teaspoon.

caretConversion Formula

The formula to convert from US tsp to US cup is:

US cup = US tsp ÷ 48

caretConversion Example

US Teaspoon to US Cup Conversion Example

Task: Convert 24 US teaspoons to US cups (show work)

US tsp ÷ 48 = US cup

24 US tsp ÷ 48 = 0.5 US cup

24 US tsp is equal to 0.5 US cup

caretConversion Table

US Teaspoons to US Cups Conversion Chart

US teaspoons (US tsp) US cups (US cup)
1 US tsp0.02083333 US cup
2 US tsp0.04166667 US cup
3 US tsp0.0625 US cup
4 US tsp0.08333333 US cup
5 US tsp0.10416667 US cup
6 US tsp0.125 US cup
7 US tsp0.14583333 US cup
8 US tsp0.16666667 US cup
9 US tsp0.1875 US cup
10 US tsp0.20833333 US cup
20 US tsp0.41666667 US cup
30 US tsp0.625 US cup
40 US tsp0.83333333 US cup
50 US tsp1.04166667 US cup
75 US tsp1.5625 US cup
100 US tsp2.08333333 US cup
250 US tsp5.20833333 US cup
500 US tsp10.41666667 US cup
750 US tsp15.625 US cup
1,000 US tsp20.83333333 US cup
2,500 US tsp52.08333333 US cup
5,000 US tsp104.16666667 US cup
7,500 US tsp156.25 US cup
10,000 US tsp208.33333333 US cup
25,000 US tsp520.83333333 US cup
50,000 US tsp1,041.66666667 US cup
75,000 US tsp1,562.5 US cup
100,000 US tsp2,083.33333333 US cup
250,000 US tsp5,208.33333333 US cup

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