caretConversion Calculator

Convert US mpg to L/100km

US mpg
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caretConversion Definitions

What is US miles per gallon (US mpg)?

US miles per gallon is a unit of fuel economy in US Customary Units. US miles per gallon is calculated as the number of miles traveled per US gallon (not to be confused with Imperial gallon). The symbol for US miles per gallon is US mpg.

What is Liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km)?

Liters per 100 kilometers is a unit of fuel economy in the Metric System. Liters per 100 kilometers is calculated as the number of liters used to travel 100 kilometers. The symbol for Liters per 100 kilometers is L/100km.

caretConversion Table

US mpg to L/100km Conversion Chart

US mpg L/100km
1 US mpg235.215 L/100km
2 US mpg117.6075 L/100km
3 US mpg78.405 L/100km
4 US mpg58.80375 L/100km
5 US mpg47.043 L/100km
6 US mpg39.2025 L/100km
7 US mpg33.60214286 L/100km
8 US mpg29.401875 L/100km
9 US mpg26.135 L/100km
10 US mpg23.5215 L/100km
11 US mpg21.38318182 L/100km
12 US mpg19.60125 L/100km
13 US mpg18.09346154 L/100km
14 US mpg16.80107143 L/100km
15 US mpg15.681 L/100km
20 US mpg11.76075 L/100km
25 US mpg9.4086 L/100km
30 US mpg7.8405 L/100km
35 US mpg6.72042857 L/100km
45 US mpg5.227 L/100km
50 US mpg4.7043 L/100km

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